Let’s talk about age spots and skin pigmentation…
I spent most of my twenties baking in the hot sun in Central and South America. My skin is pretty good despite this but last year all of a sudden a large dark patch appeared on my chest. I apply a natural sunscreen all year round on my face and on exposed skin in the summer but like most people I probably don’t reapply enough during the day.
At first I thought it might go away after the summer but it didn’t so I put all of my skincare knowledge to the test. This is what I did:
1. I made sure to apply a natural zinc oxide sunscreen every day or better still covered the skin completely with light clothing- high neck tops etc.
2. I applied SACRED SKIN healing face cream to my face and neck as usual and ALSO to my chest and the affected area. I did this morning and night. Sacred skin contains a fabulous ingredient for the skin, matcha: MATCHA is exceptionally high in antioxidants and EGCG that reduce inflammation and even out skin tone.
3. I made sure to pass the SOUL SISTER gua sha tool over my chest and the affected area during my facial gua sha routine. I usually do 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening as part of my skincare routine. During this time I do strokes on the face, neck and chest.
After 1-2 months I noticed a big improvement and a reduction of the dark patch and after about 3 months it had nearly disappeared. Now after 6 months it hardly notices and some parts have disappeared completely.
Hooray! I have to say it did make me feel self conscious and I am very glad it has gone. It has reminded me of the importance of daily care and covering our skin during the summer. Natural sunscreen is all very well but our chests and shoulders, when exposed, get way too much sun and we can’t always remember to apply sunscreen every few hours.